Log Date: 24-03-12021
Oh, what a day. I was able to get everything ready by the time Amber arrived at 11:30. Surprisingly, we were able to get it all in three trips, and the third was only my one mattress topper and groceries. We stopped at a Moe’s after and had a much-deserved respite. The only hitch was honestly the downstairs neighbour telling us that the basement is very prone to water and mildew. I felt grateful for the advice, but also personally affronted because she was telling me what to do. So now I have plastic totes to buy so I can protect my things down there. There's always another thing to spend money on. But, it's a decent investment, so I'm not that mad.
I also blocked Amber's number after she left. I barely felt regret or guilt because our final interaction was meeting Kelly, Drew's close friend and daughter to Debbie, the downstairs neighbour. And she introduced herself as “Dakota's mother, or whatever you want to call yourself now”. I boldly said “Aureus”, and thankfully Kelly got the message, but for fuck’s sake, Amber can’t accept her own child for who they are... who I am. So, now I’m completely free of my awful family.
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