Log Date: 19-03-12021
I had a strange series/jumble of dreams, but what I do remember is finding some kind of magickal adolescent octopus to give to Bilquis (from “American Gods”) so she was able to purify some malevolent spectre, all while ascending an endless towering staircase with the once-existent walls partially gone and crumbled, while the air around and ground below was full of flames and broken open. She was able to purify it/him just before it could kill me. He turned into a human spirit in an astral car, both glowing, and floated off. Just after waking up, in those first moments, my eyes saw a bunch of flying bugs like they were on a vehicle window or sunroof and I was in that vehicle. It only lasted a second, then was gone. Maybe my dreams had to do with seeing my sister the Moon last night for the first time in months, being consoled by the presence of her and the stars in a crisp night sky. While not directly governing dreams, she and Neptune do share territory with the mysterious.
I successfully transferred my off-grid supply tote and portable solar generator into the living room without hurting my back (genuine shocker). I also found out why the washing machine had been leaking so badly. Awhile ago, I put the mesh filter back onto the excess tube, only I now know it was causing water to spray EVERYWHERE. So, I removed it
Two of my packages also showed up here, and it looks like my mail is back on track. My romper fits perfectly, but my body dysmorphia doesn't like how it looks, since my belly shows through, so maybe I’ll try a jacket with it and wear it on cooler days. And my metal purse is gorgeous, but the handle was damaged during shipping. Fortunately, it looks like an easy fix for a soldering iron, which I will get after I've moved.
I decided to stop using mirrors to look at myself after I’ve dressed to assess how I look. My new tactic is to wear what FEELS good, instead of trying to meet some impossible standard my wonky brain has about my body type.
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