Log Date: 18-03-12021
I woke up in a state of contentment, completely aware of being alive. I haven't felt such a way since April 12015, after I nearly almost followed through with considering suicide. I had said goodbye to a few friends and my first ex, had planned to kill myself with no doubt. Then, over the course of a few days, my desire to do it, as well as the cacodaemon that had taken hold of me via my longheld depression faded. A celestial / astral hand pulled me out of the Darkness, and I felt true Light. My connection with nature returned. Nearly 6 years to the day. But this time, instead of a temporary high, I've spent a few years truly connecting (AKA realising my connection) with everything there is.
A couple of weeks ago, I had lost my one dodecahedron quartz crystal. I've been between "It’ll show up again - magickal items are funny like that” and “It’s gone forever”, but I was organising some of my things in the attic today, and there it was - on the hardwood floor. Considering my recent feeling of being alive, I see its return as no coincidence.
I also finally finished packing and loading my belongings going into storage out in the hall. All that's left is to pack away what will be in my new room and the apartment. But, I'll probably take a little break since I still have 12 days until the move.
I looked in the garage to see if there will be room to temporarily store my things, but I saw a wasp, so... probably will just store stuff in the living room.
I was making veggie burgers for dinner and had a strange experience. As I was mixing, out of the corner of my eye, for a split second, I saw something in the shape of a young man wearing a black wind-blazer with white stripes down the arms. It surprised me, as I haven’t had an experience like it in awhile.
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