Log Date: 14-03-12021

I woke up around 5:30, and saw a new text alert: “Awoke”. It came from a California number I didn't recognize. I responded, asking who it was, but there hasn't been a reply so far. It could be a typo from someone with a wrong number, but I also am going through a spiritual ascension and the fact that I'm currently " walking" with Aether could make the text some kind of message. I suppose I'll find out.

Packing and organizing my things is coming along, although I am trying to go at a steady pace since I still have about two weeks until moving day. I also realized my two synthesizers aren't here with me, which is odd because I swear Amber brought them up in March. So, she is looking for them in storage.

I chipped a tooth during dinner, but I was able to sand it so it wasn’t a sharp obstacle for my tongue.

I should really tape up the boxes in the hall tomorrow. I’ve been just stacking them out there, in an attempt to get them sorted more quickly. But, I still have two weeks left here, and no amount of haphazard packing will make my release come sooner.
