Log Date: 23-03-12021
I had a strange pair of interconnected dreams. I was an older man with short white hair and a trimmed beard. In the first dream, I was in Rochester and one of my friends told me there was a highway path that I could walk down directly to Buffalo. I took said path, but when I arrived, Buffalo was so different. There was a strange atmosphere that made the buildings waver like a mirage. I overheard a loud nonthreatening conversation between a younger Black kid and a middle aged White man, but can't remember what was said. In the second dream, I was taller and skinny, and trying to complete an odd puzzle. I was looking for missing items from a statue while using different portals that were where the doors to buildings should've been. It was psychedelic and warping with colour, and stepping through portals led me to different worlds and dimensions, my body changing to appear like I belonged in them.
I probably overlooked it in the early hours, but I don't recall choosing a new entry on the app I use to journal. I just started writing.
I was able to pack everything away and clean today. Tomorrow, I'll bring down the last boxes and pantry food, then grab the cold food for the final load. I should be moved in time for dinner. Bryan also finally came back to clean and grab his dishes that had been sitting on one side of the sink for months. And just as I was going to turn in, I killed what I hope is the final stink bug I see in this accursed house. My move comes at the perfect time, since little ants have seemingly started to move in.
Honestly, the timing feels like a big wink from Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon. Jupiter because of expansion, my upcoming second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (which is supposed to be the worse of the two), and for finding out I'm moving sooner on a Jupiterday. Saturn because I’m moving on a Saturnday and grounding energy for my move. The Moon because she will be in her Waxing Gibbous phase in Virgo, which speaks to growing order and stability.
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