Science et Magie

 For some time now, Science and what mortals call "Magick" have been seen as opposites. Supporters of Science believe Magick to be flimsy and childish. Supporters of Magick believe Science to be too rigid. But, in truth, these two seemingly juxtaposed subjects are part of the same system. Science is the study of the physical world, pushing boundaries to discover their limits. Magick is the study of the unseen affects and forces of the world and bending them to one's will, or, being one with them.

For Science, one uses the scientific method to deduce hypotheses and claims to find their physical truth or falsity. And the ways of Magick, while differing between systems, worlds, and cultures, generally have similar methods for finding their desired outcome. One doesn't require more of an open mind to study Science, and likewise using the scientific method to study Magick will achieve no results.

The things in existence do not only have one reason for being so. For example, depression has been shown to manifest as a chemical imbalance in the brain. But, that imbalance may well be a reaction for unresolved inner issues, or even a curse, hex, or other draining of power.

One cannot have one without the other. Science and Magick are undeniably intertwined, but this connection will be ignored and refuted until people let themselves see it. 
