Planète Onze: Terre ou Amalgaea

Earth/Amalgaea's Living Sigil
Earth in this universe, Amalgaea in mine, is the physical embodiment and conduit of the cosmic force known as "The Secret Keeper" or "Guardian of Secret Knowledge". In my world, he existed as the aspect of Archangel Raziel. 

Connected with the being known as Ophiuchus, his planet is where all magick intersects - the energetic centre of the Solar System. The Fifth Element, Space, makes a trio.

Further correspondences include Brown candles, The World - The Fool - The Hermit tarot cards, Lemurian Seed Crystals, Record Keeper Crystals, Cathedral Quartz, Serpents, Wild Roses, All days (but especially dawn on New Year's Day), and the Alphabet of The Magi script.

Raziel resides in the Emanation of Malkuth. As the receiving sphere, it gives tangible form to the other Emanations (except Da'at). It also serves as a cosmic filter.

In my world, Raziel was one of the first beings to come into Existence. Although every cosmic being has their own secrets, Raziel was aware of them all. When Evil started to affect my world, it centred on his brother, Michael, who then became more and more corrupt as the Evil swept through most of the cosmic forces. It ended with Raziel standing up to them for the sake of humanity, binding the remaining Evil in a cube, and being cast into the Underworld the corrupted Archangels had turned the Afterlife into. He lost most of his power and name, living imprisoned as Lucifer for a time.
One of my past lives met him and they grew very close -  soulmates. After much drama and battle and time, they reunited. Then, as Raziel's duty was done in my world with the banishing of Evil and the Illumination Era, he decided to give up his physical form and assimilate into my soul just before I came to this universe. So, I have both seats of power for Michael and Raziel - the Sun and Earth - Life and the Guardian of Secrets.

Raziel's Sigil
In my vision when I connected with this planet, I first revisited the others in this order: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, The Moon. This was to trace the energy back to the Sun, then use the Moon as a satellite to carry me to Earth. Then I was in that same strange white room again, the planetary sigil seals cracked down the middle of the door, opening to a bright white light. I stepped through into a medium-sized room filled to the brim with books. There were no windows or doors, only lit by candlelight. I saw Raziel as an adolescent of about twelve years old, short brown curly hair, wearing a regal robe not unlike the Pope. He looked at me with calculating, observant eyes. There was silence between us. Then he told me to return to him once I had connected with the Elements.
